Adding a New Puppy to Your Family

  • 3 Advantages Of Using A Dog Boarding Facility During Your Next Trip

    28 August 2018

    Do you have one or more dogs? Are you planning to take a trip somewhere in the relatively near future? Whether you're going on vacation or taking a trip to see family for the holidays, the question of what to do with your dog is one that plagues many owners. Some people simply bring their canine companions along, but this isn't the only option and may not even be the best one.

  • Spring Is In The Air: 4 Reasons You Need To Visit The Veterinarian

    16 April 2018

    Spring is here. It's time to start getting ready for the warm weather. If you have a dog, now's the perfect time to schedule an appointment with the veterinarian, as well. This is particularly true if you're going to be spending time at the doggy park, or heading out of the country on vacation. If you're not sure how those relate to springtime visits to the veterinarian, take a look at the list below.